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Get a handle on your transcription costs!

Pay what you want to Pay

HIPAA Compliant

FREE TRIAL......3 FREE transcribed reports (3 pages).

Less than 24 hour turnaround of All Reports (Saturdays Included).

99.5% Accuracy Rate... You have the option to edit the file or simply email, call or fax us with the changes.

Toll Free Dial-in Dictation...Tapeless, Phoneless

Secure Web-Based On-line retrieval/archiving of all reports.

Unique billing structure saves you money. We charge by the billable character. Templates are not considered a billable character.

Reduce cost with templates, macros and normals.

In today's healthcare industry outsourcing has become the most efficient and cost effective tool to manage many of the services required for complete medical care. G&L Transcription, Inc. has over 20 years of experience and expertise, meeting the needs of providers throughout the United States. Our clients are served 24 hours/day, 7 days/week with state-of-the art digital dictating systems and Handheld Digital recording upload capabilities.

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